We are building a database of processes that you can use in your own life

Salesa News | 0:14 PM 02-04-2021 | By adithyaeranki

We are building a database of processes that you can use in your own life

For quite some time, we have been trying to create an efficient way to access information, something we gave the boring moniker of "Knowledge Management System". Let me explain what that means.


Over our lifetimes, as individuals as well as organizations, we build a vast amount of knowledge that helps us move forward. Only, this information is lost over time because there is simply too much.


Information is often saved in long form to help provide context to the reader and things adds a lot of unnecessary fat to the knowledge. But, if you really think about it, all knowledge is either standalone or sequential. Let me tell you what I mean by that.


"It's hottest at noon", is a standalone piece of information, also called a fact. "It's hottest at noon, so you will be sweating a lot if you go for a jog then", is a piece of sequential information in the form of an argument. The sequence is as follows:

1. It's noon

2. You go for a jog

3. You sweat a lot


If you don't want to sweat a lot, you either don't go for a jog, or you don't do it at noon. Whichever way you look at it, there is no other way for a piece of information to exist apart from a standalone form or a sequential form. All the knowledge that you and your organization has accumulated is either in standalone form or in sequential form.


By breaking it down into a series of steps and storing it in a "Knowledge Bank", we can not only find it easily, but we can also optimize it over time. While we have big plans that allow the community to use such tools, until we have executed on them, we plan to create blog posts that showcase our processes. Don't worry about the word "process". We simply mean a piece of sequential information that outlines how to do something well.


The best part is, by restricting knowledge from the form of an essay to a series of chronological steps, we make it algorithmic and therefore easier for any AI systems to process and learn from, assuming that they can comprehend natural language and associate it with real and abstract entities.


We will come out with a more detailed and comprehensible explanation of how a KMS (Knowledge Management System) could work as soon as we are ready to open it to the community.


Until then, have a great time!

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